+263-(0)242-782920 | 782921
23 Northampton Crescent, Eastlea Zimbabwe

About us

Our Tradition

A Zimbabwean Company for the Global Market.

FINEART Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd. is a local company incorporated on the 13th of May, 2003 according to Zimbabwe company registration laws. FINEART was registered as an IT Professional Services and Systems Integration Company and is 100% Zimbabwean owned with a mission to share our resources, wide business consulting experience with our business partners.

With the growing convergence between IT and Telecommunication services we have since diversified to offer Telecommunication services as well. Our telecoms services include among others Installation and commissioning of equipment, installation and commissioning of associated Power systems inclusive of Generators and Solar power systems, Maintenance Support Services, Turnkey project implementation and Training.

Our solutions and services are well priced reliable and dependable and more importantly the costing is affordable. Quality assurances for all solutions offered are a necessity in FINEART provision of services.

The in-depth expertise of FINEART is drawn from the long experience of its specialists in telecommunication and IT systems, business and mission critical implementations and support activities in the past years in Zimbabwe, in the region and other parts of the world. Our specialists are a mix of skills and knowledge drawn from across the qualification spectrum. This means that we are never short of expertise whenever or wherever our clients require and demand it.

Our Mission Statement


Our Mission: Customers

To provide our customers with industry-leading products, backed up by world-class service at competitive pricing levels.

Our Mission: Employees

To be a performance-based culture that recognises entrepreneurship and promotes equality, learning, development, enthusiasm and respect for the individual.

Our Mission: Shareholders

To provide a sustainable return on investment and growth, whilst enhancing the reputation of the business and its shareholders at all times.

Our Vision

To be seen as the IT and Telecoms Products and Solutions provider of choice by our customers, providing excellent products, technology, solutions, service and support and thereby always exceeding their expectations. To provide our customers with industry leading products, backed up by world-class service at competitive pricing levels.

Our Capacity

Our single most important asset is our people. Our strength lies in the wealth of knowledge and experience they bring to our company. Our Specialists have carried out project implementation and support work in Zimbabwe and as well as outside our borders. More importantly, we will never stop expanding the horizons of knowledge for our people in order to keep them in line with the dynamics of the ever evolving business requirements and emerging technologies.

Our Values

The key to our success is commitment to our values. Our business is centered on the following core values: • Customer comes first - Commitment to our clients. • Our people are our greatest assets - We value our employees. • Professionalism. • Trustworthiness • Accountability These values lead to a number of key behaviors which results in a business which is not only excellent in that it embraces but is also easy to do business with.

Social Responsibility

To be committed to the highest moral and ethical standards whilst aligning ourselves with the Industry’s code of best practice

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)